Sonntag, 4. November 2012

Pumpkin, pumpkin

Hello everyone!

It's been a couple of days since Halloween and I'm awfully sorry for not posting earlier. But I guess you all know the procedure after a good Halloween party: cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. And then sleeping. Like forever.

To sum up Halloween was really great! Tob, a dear friend of mine, made his famous and super tasty nacho salad. It's not that kind of salad you could call super-healthy - but in my opinion this is the perfect salad for a party. Sure there is plenty of iceberg lettuce in it and corn, too, but also some more lusty stuff like minced meat, kidney beans and of course nachos. It's super delicious! You can also add onions, cheese, sour creams or ingredients like that. You should try it! Click this link for a recipe in English.
world's best nacho salad!
All in all we had so much food to eat. I made a noodle plate, Melle made Wan Tan (Oh- I have to ask her for the recipe. They were sooooo good!), Rieke and Randi made a huge bowl with pineapple and lots of alcohol in it and some nice finger foods.
Finger food... I think this gives it an entirely new meaning.
Bibi made this gorgeous cake. The 'earth' are crumbled oreo cakes! Great, isn't it?
And when you think all we did was eating, then you are so damn right! I can't remember how much I ate but... I can remember my full and aching stomach in the morning. And a bit of the rest alcohol *cough*

To be honest we did a bit more except for the drinking and eating stuff. Randi and Tob showed us some very creepy and 'disturbing' horror games. 'Disturbing' only counts for Typing of the Dead, the worst zombie/apocalypse/whatever game ever developed. You shoot zombies with a keyboard while writing words and sentences that are displayed on the screen. Sounds strange? It really is... And I bet if we were more drunk this game would have been even more disturbing. The next games we played were Slender, Paranormal and SCP. And guys - if you honestly think that you are brave: play those games. You will shit bricks. Not kidding. We girls were so frightened. And screaming almost nonstop due to those f****** shock effects. Slender only lasts 20 or 30 minutes, so playing it won't take that long ;3 Here's a short trailer. Okay, I have to admit that the trailer is not that scary. But the game definitely is.

Last but not least I made a small collage to show you some more impressions and to prevent the hell of a picture spam.Unfortunately there are no goods pictures of me, because I totally messed up my make-up. I only had fifteen minutes to dress up and get my clothes packed... I was in totaly stress and well... it ended up no good. Maybe there is some free time next week to make up for the missing photo of me :)

Ah, I almost forgot! Since this is my very first time blogging, I feel the constant fear that Iwill run out of ideas or my blog entries are boring - so tell me please what do you think about this blog? What do you want to see? The next blog entry will deal with the upcoming carnival season in Germany.

Love, J.

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