Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2012

Frankfurt Bookfair: The Aftermath

As stated on Twitter a few days ago I went to Frankfurt last Sunday. Since I love writing and reading – journalism student and wannabe author detected! – it was quite obvious that I had to go there. And it really was a great experience. So many books and stuff! But before I get carried away I want to tell you something about the costumes I saw there, in the end it is the topic of my blog ;)
This year’s host was New Zealand, so it was obvious that there were many booths and contests dealing with NZ’s most popular saga: The Lord of the Rings. Or rather The Hobbit, because there will be a movie in the very near future. Unfortunately I was only there on Sunday, so I missed the Hobbit Look-a-Like contest they held a day before…
But I am not sad at all. When I went to the bookfair on Sunday I saw a bunch of kids, maybe around 7 or 8 years old, dressed up as little Frodo and Sam from LoTR. So cute! They even had some wool glued upon their feet matching the typical hairy feet of a hobbit. When I was rummaging around in my bag and looking for a camera, they already have disappeared in the very crowded area. So I decided that my following ‘phototour’ had to be more organized. I never let go off my camera from that point.
When wandering around the exhibition grounds I saw many people in costumes and they told me that they are waiting for the DCM to start. So I became curious. They explained that the DCM is short for Deutsche Cosplay Meisterschaft, in English: German Costume Play Championship. The people participating have to sew their own costumes according to a reference of an existing fictional character. Video games, movies, cartoons, bands and comic characters are allowed. Later the participants had to perform on stage. And they also can win nice prizes: coupons from several publishers and crafting materials, tickets to conventions including the stay at a hotel and stuff. The first prize is a trip to Japan (since the contest is strongly related to Japanese comics as well).

Here are some photos I took during watching the contest:

Two girls dressed up as characters from the Japanese comic "Trinity Blood"

As Katniss and Cesar from the Hunger Games series

Bubble Head Nurse and Pyramid Head from Silent Hill

 All in all it was a quite interesting experience. The participants put so much effort in their costumes and at some point I couldn’t believe everything was self-made (but it really is – they have judges who check this very strictly), all of the participants looked stunning. Sometimes I wish I could be as skilled as they are. I’m sure I won’t have a problem finding a good costume for Halloween then… which will be by the way one of the following entrys! <3


P.S. If you are interested I can upload some more pictures of the contest - so please tell me! :)

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