Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013

May I top up your glass, Captain?

 Partying on a Friday night. I bet that is something many of you enjoy - and hey, why not? I like that, too. I love being with my friends, having funa great time and just relax with them. It's always so much fun. But someday every party will become routine. Sadly. Partying is no longer something special, it becomes dull and goes according to a certain sequence. Somehow you began to wonder: "Is that all? Is there nothing more?" There are no surprises any longer.

But why should you accept those circumstances? Why shoul you not try to turn a party into something special? According to my blog's topic... there are costume parties. Maybe that sounds awkward and childish at first, but it's very much fun. Besides, are we really that grown-up? Carnival or Halloween is no different. So why not rummaging around in an old trunk for clothes you can modify? When you're open to that, I'm convinced a costume party can be very amusing - even it is to laugh at the very bad costumes of some of your guests ;)

Well, an accurate and fitting atmosphere is essential for a costume party. But creating the atmosphere of a costume party is way than at a normal party. Honestly: who decorates a usual party? There will be two or three paper streamers on the table - but only in case it's a birthday party. That's it. Perhaps it's the fear of appearing too childish, I don't know. Nevertheless most of the guests don't even pay attention to that. They know the paper streamers, they know the usual decorations. And they are used to that. That is the reason you have to surprise your guests. Have you ever been partying in a jungle? With palm tree leafs, lots of plants, colourful cocktails and snacks served on wooden plates? Or have you ever been partying in a Stone Age's cave, where you sit on fur instead of a sofa? No? Me neither - but I really would love to!

Adding a theme to a party, for example 'dead celebrities' oder 'superheroes', can help to make it a perfect evening. On the one side you can arrange decoration, snacks, beverages accroding to the theme, on the other side adding a theme creates a thrilling expectations. Who will choose what costume? How s/he will look like? Maybe you can meet up earlier in groups to brainstorm for a costume - or work together on a costume for that very evening. Announcing a costume contest on the invitation might be a good idea to motivate your guests for good-looking costumes.

A couple of days ago I had a talk with a dear friend of mine about costume parties. And somehow we both thought of it as very entertaining and fascinating. Now the idea of throwing a costume party is not that far away... Most probably the theme will be 'Romans'. The guests will have to wear a toga ;) I'm very looking forward to it!

Have you ever been to a costume party? Or thrown one yourself? Tell me! :)


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